FINEOS Care Plan for Effective Claims Management in the APAC Market

A data-driven approach for psychosocial claims management models is the answer to manage your psychosocial claims in the APAC market.

Recent evidence from the Royal Australasian College of Physicians suggests that system-wide approaches, which prevent or lessen psychosocial factors, can reduce work disability and its associated costs by 25 to 50%. The FINEOS Care Plan is a system that enables insurers to realize these savings, while enabling claimants to get back to work in a timely manner.

The FINEOS Care Plan is an industry-leading capability that was designed in collaboration with FINEOS clients to provide insights into psychosocial aspects of care and enable proactive systems approaches to psychosocial claims management in the APAC market.

We invite you to take a closer look at how FINEOS can help you manage your psychosocial claims effectively.

For further information, download the datasheet:  FINEOS Care Plan for Social Insurance


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