The first full day of the 9th Annual FINEOS Global Summit got underway yesterday with a fascinating keynote address from Micah Solomon, a very popular and highly influential consultant and speaker who is one of today’s experts on customer service. Micah defined the problems of dealing with changing consumer expectations and clearly described just what it is that defines today’s customers. He made a clear and unequivocal case for the importance of placing the customer at the centre of all that insurers think and do. This was not just an evangelical exhortation to do better in this area by showing us all how important it is, Micah also provided clear examples of good practice and established simple principles for understanding the customers and how to meet their needs.
Welcome address from FINEOS Chief Executive Michael Kelly.
In Michael’s traditional keynote welcome address he explained the thinking behind the current FINEOS strategy and talked about the results of our annual customer survey. This survey is a very important part of the thinking and decision making at FINEOS as we take very seriously ourselves all that we are discussion in this Summit about customer-centricity. Michael shared our vision for the future with the delegates and laid out the strategic direction and its rationale.
Michael thanked our sponsors PwC and introduced the FINEOS Executive Leadership Team and FINEOS Board.
We are pleased every year to see the FINEOS awards for Innovation and Excellence being announced. These recognise and highlight the imagination and dedication we see in the industry to provide continually superior customer service to those in need. We are delighted this year to welcome Anne Anderson, the Ambassador of Ireland to the United States of America, who presented the awards and addressed the Summit and then presented the award to ACC, the Accident Compensation Corporation of New Zealand.
The day progressed with presentations from Chuck Johnston, CMO of FINEOS on back office systems transformation and how a balanced approach to making change in this environment can be implemented while still keeping customer service levels high. The FINEOS Product strategy was explained by Jonathan Boylan and Eoin Kirwan, CIO and VP Product Management respectively.
We are always pleased and interested to hear customer success stories and this year Paul Jepson, CIO and Mike Tully, Head of Client Service Delivery from ACC shared their work with the Summit on their ground-breaking use of Predictive Analytics to detect those claim cases that are likely to deteriorate and would benefit from skilled intervention. With this new initiative ACC have significantly improved customer outcomes.
Maria Parker and Adam Dunne presented the FINEOS Claims Roadmap that described the continuing commitment to claims excellence that is such a part of FINEOS DNA and Chuck Johnston chaired an interesting and revealing panel discussion of CIOs that looked at innovation in the Life, Health and Accident business.
The day was rounded off by an interesting and challenging presentation from Jim Quick and Mike Mariani, both Partners at our sponsors PwC. They looked at the topical issue of digitisation in the back-office and investigated the potential for carriers who wish to upgrade and enhance their value propositions for all their customers. They discussed the problems of introducing real innovation across all aspects of the business and how modernising platforms can help achieve this ambition.