Dave Matthews, Sales Director Asia Pacific, FINEOS, provides a review of the customer case study given by TAC at the FINEOS Claims Global Summit 2013 which took place in Toronto this week.
TAC (Transport Accident Commission – Victoria, Australia) pay over $1billion to around 18,000 claimants involved in traffic accidents per year.
Today at the FINEOS Claims Summit in Toronto, Bruce Crossett from TAC gave us all an inspirational reminder as to why we are working in claims. Claims is not about forms and administration, claims is about helping people to find a pathway through a time of crisis.
In life claims especially, we are all working for customers that are undergoing real trauma and the results from Bruce’s team clearly show that focusing on claimant’s outcomes first and foremost will deliver a fantastic customer expeirence and also decrease claims liabilities.
For a number of years now FINEOS have been working with TAC to deliver them the tools they needed to implement their customer advocacy and outcome programmes. What Bruce showed us all (through the use of real video testimonials) is that the heavy lifting work that has happened to make their programme so succesful comes from the case managers and claimants using those tools to work closely together to achieve the best possible outcome.
To allow case managers to spend more time on claims rather than administration, TAC implemented a huge cultural change. Customer first, lower bureaucracy, simplified claims lodgement processes, phone lodgement and faster turnaround to paying claims is proving that early intervention and client expectation management have strong influences on claim duration.
I encourage everyone to jump onto the FINEOS website and take a look at the TAC videos. They are a wonderful expression of why we are working in claims.